A wise (sexy, splendid) friend offered me advice
during the early stages of my diagnosis. She said, “Whenever you have a
negative, you’ve got to think of a positive" And up ‘till today I’ve been pretty good at being able to find a silver lining.
For instance, instead of the day surgery I was planning on, I
had to spend the night at the hospital. But, because I stayed at Mount Sinai
Hotel and Spa, I had the opportunity to watch the sun come up over the city. Luck
put me in private room, the doctor put me on morphine, and I got to see the
city turn from black, to blue, to gold. Euphoric with relief, and stoned out of
my mind, it was a joy to behold.
Also, during my recovery I lost my independence, but I had a
week alone with my mom. Those seven days turned out to be the sweetest summer
visit, where I did nothing more complicated than be a daughter. We had the
chance to lie in bed and chat, sharing tiny precious details that we’d never
learn over the phone.
And I managed to find the positive in having no upper body
strength (never really a strong point), and letting the basset hound take the
lead, where I was literally forced to stop and smell the roses.
Then today I took a shower, and I was having very negative thoughts
about my big bald head. So I dug around for my positive, and unable to come
with anything, I resorted to stealing the positive from the experience of my same wise friend.
When I complained to her about hairlessness, she said cheerfully, “A naked head
feels really good against clean white sheets.” As I normally wear a fleecy cap to
bed, I’d never tried it. But after my shower I lay down on the bed and let my
egghead sink into the fresh white linen. Delicious! Who knew that fabric has such personality; it feels like springtime under your head! So,
it may not be profound, but I had my positive. And since silver lining comes in a variety of colours, white
will do quite nicely.