this is fun! I have to take 1,825 pills. Not all at one time of course -
they’re taken over a period of five years. After all the treamtent us cancerisits patients have been through - chemo,
radiation, surgery, you’d think that a pill a day would be a cakewalk. But it’s
not. Taking a pill a day is actually something that is quite difficult for me.

an effort to be more efficient I put the pill bottle in my underwear drawer
thinking my daily pill could be paired with my daily undies. But I still
forgot. So I went to the drugstore to if I could find a solution. I wandered
over to the ‘accessories’ aisle and come across a revolving display stand that
was garnering a bit of attention. A couple of whispy haired senior gals were
spinning the stand slowly, plucking off packages and bringing them up close to
their little faces to read the fine print. I realized that the thing in their wrinkly hands was the thing that I needed – a pill organizer.
of making me happy, it made me really depressed. Did I really need a cheap
plastic container with the days of the week on it to organize me medication? Sigh. Yes, I did. The seniors were fumbling around with the various models, tasting
the lids for maneuverability, and testing how well it slipped into a handbag.
Some containers were small, but others were as big as a paint set, with little compartments
for morning, noon, and night.
reached over the little people’s heads and grabbed one, which was the size of a
‘Crunchie’ bar. It had seven compartments, one for each day of the week. The seniors
looked at the case in my hand, then up at my face. ‘That one doesn’t close so
good,’ said one of them. I tested it, and it seemed fine. With her eyes she motioned
to one up higher. ‘You’ll be wanting that one.’ So I reached up and grabbed it,
and it was pink! And, at half the size of a Crunchie bar it fits discreetly in
my drawer, where it is surrounded by my panties (which do not have the days of the

30 Down. 1,795 to go.