My social worker’s waiting area is very tasteful. Lot’s of
nice white easy chairs and a complimentary coffee station with real cream. My
social worker is very tasteful too. I met her once back in August, when I
didn’t have a lot to talk about and I liked her very much. Mostly, we discussed
Dancing With the Stars.
Since then, I’ve only taken advantage of a few other ‘Princess
Margaret Survivorship’ services. Two of the group classes, Therapy and Nutrition, ended quite badly and I never returned. The ‘Chemo Q & A’ was quite
informative, but not as much fun as the ‘Look Good Feel Good’, where I got free
stuff. And as far as the offered Drumming, Reiki, and Journaling, I hope never to find out. So electing
for a bit of one-on-one time, I chose to see my social worker for a second
I sunk into white chair and looked around the room. There
were two smartly dressed ladies sitting opposite me. They both had very short
hair that looked brand new, soft, and optimistic. On the table was a little
bowl of chocolates and the receptionist had some tinsel on the computer. Christmas
music came over the loudspeaker. The receptionist brought over a clipboard for me, which had
a long questionnaire. On it were about 50 questions, which I had to answer on a
scale of 0 (not at all) to 5 (quite a bit). Amongst the questions were, ‘Do you
have feelings of Depression?’, ‘Do you feel like your life is full?’ ‘Do you
think about death?’.
So I answered them all pretty much the same way I answered
all my multiple choice tests in high school. Everything got a 3. Also, being a Libran I can never decide
if I’m depressed or not, so I just left that question blank. I sailed through it till I got to a few hard hitting
questions. Is your life as productive as you would like? (3), Are you enjoying
your life (3), Are you excercising (3, for now).
Then came 'Are you happy?'. I looked at the ladies who were sipping
coffee and concentrating on the questionnaire in the manner of the very self-assured.
Obviously, they were giving their questions some thought. Then I noticed the
music. From the loudspeaker came the jolly sounds of, ‘It’s the Most Wonderful
Time of the Year’.
……With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good
It's the most wonderful time of the year
Then I looked back of the questionnaire , ‘Are you happy?’. Then more music…
…. It’s the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call...

And then I smiled at the ladies and went in to ask my social worker how she felt
about the finale of Dancing with the Stars.
100% agree! I like to reply "super fantastic" whenever people ask me how I am. The more I say it the more I try to believe it! It kind of works. L.M.