It’s a tricky business trying to stay fit and fat at the
same time. On one hand I need to preserve my expanding tummy. The
middle fat is necessary so that it can be transferred to my upper middle,
thereby reducing the risk of canceritis recurrence to almost zero. The fact
that it requires a ten-hour operation makes me uncomfortable. And the
fact that I haven’t yet been given a date for the aforementioned ten hour
operation, has me completely on edge.
Then there is the other hand. I have to be in shape for this
surgery. My surgeon, Dr Escargot, told me that I’m the ideal candidate for
surgery. I’m a young (why thank you Doctor!), healthy, non-smoker who is in
fairly good shape.
But in order to grow my tummy, I’ve been avoiding all the exercises
that strengthen my stomach. I stopped doing sit ups, and I’ve taken a
break from Pilates. I’ve been completely neglecting my core.
But my post surgery body needs to be strong. From what I
understand, my recovery involves a strain on my back, since it will be overcompensating
for my frontal realignment. And
I’ll have about 8 weeks when I can’t use my ab muscles at all. So I need to
build up my strength. I’ve gone back to Pilates – sort of. Rather than go
back to class, I downloaded a video so I can do it my living room.
Self Portrait with Minor Exaggeration |
So I came home tonight, and did my workout. At the end I spent a few minutes doing
a plank. (Diane Sawyer swears by this). Tonight I took my position and looked
down at my body. I could see my little cleavage, and below that, my gut. BUT –
my tummy was actually hanging lower than my boobs! No matter how alarming, this
is also fantastic. I was working out, while watching my fat. And there is
In a perfect world, they doctors could squeeze my middle and
push my fat up higher – much like a tube of toothpaste. But my body is less
like toothpaste and more like a Werther’s in a muffin. Soft on the outside, hard
in the middle. So I continue to work on the hard core, while my muffin gleefully
spills over my pants.
And I am getting fitter. And fatter. And still waiting…